For the home brewer, coffee connoisseur, and coffee-loving humans alike!
Taste coffees from four different continents and learn how to describe the flavor of each. Learn how to brew coffee with pour-over devices and how manipulating various elements can affect the final cup flavor.

Come hang out with us at Brewing Hour, where we brew our coffee with different brewing methods for everyone to try! Led by our coffee experts, we'll share our coffee knowledge so you can brew a good cup of Dilworth coffee from your own home. Brewing Hour is FREE, we just request an RSVP.
Take a look at our Brewing Hour Schedule and join a future event.
Calling all public citizens who want to learn how to cup coffee, why we cup coffee, and how to describe the coffee you're tasting. Come join us at our next cupping event, all you coffee-loving humans!
Get notified for our upcoming Cupping Events: